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Component Analysis of Dyads Designed for Light-Driven Water Oxidation

Article Component Analysis of Dyads Designed for Light-Driven Water Oxidation ACS ActiveView PDF Hi-Res Print, Annotate, Reference QuickView PDF  [1551 KB] PDF w/ Links [414 KB] Full Text HTML Abstract Supporting Info -> Figures Reference QuickView Add to ACS ChemWorx Lars Kohler   ,  Nattawut Kaveevivitchai   ,  Ruifa Zong   , and  Randolph P. Thummel   * Department of Chemistry,  University of Houston , 112 Fleming Building, Houston, Texas 77204-5003,  United States Inorg. Chem. , Article ASAP DOI:  10.1021/ic4022905 Publication Date (Web): December 23, 2013 Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society *E-mail:  thummel@uh.edu . Synopsis Seven photosensitizer-catalyst dyads are synthesized using three bridging ligands based on either a pyrimidine or pyrazine linker. The efficiency of light-driven water oxidation by these dyads depends on the magnitude of the sensitizer e...
How Strain Affects the Reactivity of Surface Metal Oxide Catalysts Angewandte Chemie International Edition  by Kazuhiko Amakawa, Lili Sun, Chunsheng Guo, Michael Hävecker, Pierre Kube, Israel E. Wachs, Soe Lwin, Anatoly I. Frenkel, Anitha Patlolla, Klaus Hermann, Robert Schlögl, Annette Trunschke  /   30d   //   keep unread   //   hide   //   preview Abstract Highly dispersed molybdenum oxide supported on mesoporous silica SBA-15 has been prepared by anion exchange resulting in a series of catalysts with changing Mo densities (0.2–2.5 Mo atoms nm −2 ). X-ray absorption, UV/Vis, Raman, and IR spectroscopy indicate that doubly anchored tetrahedral dioxo MoO 4  units are the major surface species at all loadings. Higher reducibility at loadings close to the monolayer measured by temperature-programmed reduction and a steep increase in the catalytic activity observed in metathesis of propen...
2013年の『科学ブレークスルー・オブ・ザ・イヤー』を10分で理解してみよう 科学 12月も終わりということで、Science誌に今年を代表する科学研究が特集されています。 Science Breakthrough of the year 2013 そこで簡単な解説文を書いてみました。駆け足ですがお付き合い下さい。 http://fm7.hatenablog.com/entry/2013/12/21/105318
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Bioinspired Aerobic Oxidation of Secondary Amines and Nitrogen Heterocycles with a Bifunctional Quinone Catalyst Journal of the American Chemical Society: Latest Articles (ACS Publications)  by Alison E. Wendlandt and Shannon S. Stahl  /   15h   //   keep unread   //   hide   //   preview Journal of the American Chemical Society DOI: 10.1021/ja411692v Visit Website   +TAG
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Nonheme Iron Mediated Oxidation of Light Alkanes with Oxone: Characterization of Reactive Oxoiron(IV) Ligand Cation Radical Intermediates by Spectroscopic Studies and DFT Calculations Angewandte Chemie International Edition  by Chun-Wai Tse, Toby Wai-Shan Chow, Zhen Guo, Hung Kay Lee, Jie-Sheng Huang, Chi-Ming Che  /   21d   //   keep unread   //   hide   //   preview Abstract The oxidation of light alkanes that is catalyzed by heme and nonheme iron enzymes is widely proposed to involve highly reactive {Fe V O} species or {Fe IV O} ligand cation radicals. The identification of these high-valent iron species and the development of an iron-catalyzed oxidation of light alkanes under mild conditions are of vital importance. Herein, a combination of tridentate and bidentate ligands was used for the generation of highly reactive nonheme {FeO} species. A method that employs [Fe III (Me 3 tacn)(Cl-ac...