The oxidation of a NiII complex bearing a tetradentate phosphasalen ligand, which differs from salen by the presence of an iminophosphorane (PN) in place of an imine unit, was easily achieved by addition of a silver salt. The site of this oxidation was investigated with a combination of techniques (NMR, EPR, UV/Vis spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, magnetic measurements) as well as DFT calculations. All data are in agreement with a high-valent NiIII center concentrating the spin density. This markedly differs from precedents in the salen series for which oxidation on the metal was only observed at low temperature or in the presence of additional ligands or anions. Therefore, thanks to the good electron-donating properties of the phosphasalen ligand, [Ni(Psalen)]+ represents a rare example of a tetracoordinated high-valent nickel complex in presence of a phenoxide ligand.
P=N does not equal C=N: A rare tetracoordinated NiIIIcomplex is obtained in the one-electron oxidation of a nickel(II) complex containing a novel phosphasalen ligand. The metal center as the oxidation site, and not the ligand as is the case for nickel salen complexes, is demonstrated by various techniques such as X-ray diffraction, EPR spectrocopy, and DFT calculations (see picture).
Ligand Redox Noninnocence in [Co III (TAML)] 0/– Complexes Affects Nitrene Formation Nicolaas P. van Leest, Martijn A. Tepaske, Jean-Pierre H. Oudsen, Bas Venderbosch, Niels R. Rietdijk, Maxime A. Siegler, Moniek Tromp, Jarl Ivar van der Vlugt, and Bas de Bruin DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b11715 J . Am. Chem. Soc. ASAP 訂正 雑誌会スライド8、9枚目の [Co III (TAML sq )] – の有効磁気モーメントの数値が [Co III (TAML red )] – のものになっていましたので、訂正致します。 誤: µ eff = 2.94 µ B ( S =1/2) 正: µ eff = 1.88 µ B ( S =1/2) Evans 法 NMR によって常磁性化合物の磁化率を求める方法。以下の式1– 5によって磁化率、有効磁気モーメントおよびスピン量子数 S が得られる。 以下は Supporting Information の記述である。 1. 常磁性種、内部標準を含んだ溶液を入れた NMR チューブの中に、内部標準だけを含んだ溶液を入れたキャピラリーを入れ、 NMR を測定する。 2. 内部標準のピークのシフト幅 Δν から磁化率 χ (cm 3 g -1 )を 計算する(式1)。 1 (ν 0 : 共鳴周波数、 c : 常磁性種の濃度、 M : 常磁性種のモル質量 ) 3. 磁化率 χ に M を 掛けること で、モル磁化率 χ M (cm 3 mol -1 )を 計算する(式2)。 ...