Unifying Evaluation of the Technical Performances of Iron-Tetra-amido Macrocyclic Ligand Oxidation Catalysts
Department of Chemistry,
Institute of Green Science, Mellon Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, United States
J. Am. Chem. Soc., Article ASAP
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b13087
The main features of iron-tetra-amido macrocyclic ligand complex (a
sub-branch of TAML) catalysis of peroxide oxidations are rationalized by
a two-step mechanism: FeIII + H2O2 → Active catalyst (Ac) (kI), and Ac + Substrate (S) → FeIII + Product (kII). TAML activators also undergo inactivation under catalytic conditions: Ac → Inactive catalyst (ki). The recently developed relationship, ln(S0/S∞) = (kII/ki)[FeIII]tot, where S0 and S∞ are [S] at time t = 0 and ∞, respectively, gives access to ki under any conditions. Analysis of the rate constants kI, kII, and ki
at the environmentally significant pH of 7 for a broad series of TAML
activators has revealed a 6 orders of magnitude reactivity differential
in both kII and ki and 3 orders differential in kI. Linear free energy relationships linking kII with ki and kI
reveal that the reactivity toward substrates is related to the
instability of the active TAML intermediates and suggest that the
reactivity in all three processes derives from a common electronic
origin. The reactivities of TAML activators and the horseradish
peroxidase enzyme are critically compared.